Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Celebrating Children

The students begin their journey to Costa Rica
I stepped into a whole new paradigm of my little world this past week. Its funny I would not think of it as culture shock, but in ways it really is the definition of culture or reverse-culture shock. I am still in Latin America and in a warm climate culture and yet so very different. For those who don’t know, a team of three students from the CRS school in Tijuana, Mexico, and I embarked on our newest journey. For them, an entirely new experience, for me, my previous life. As I am processing in more detail, I realize this is the 1st time since I moved from the U.S. to Costa Rica, 2 + years ago, that I am actually dwelling in Costa Rica, during this season of the year. It is a very different atmosphere here, the departure of the summer/dry season and introduction into the rainy/cooler season and yet its unique weather here in CR for this time of year, as I have been told. The rainy season has come early. This is a blessing to me in many ways as I discovered shortly before we left Tijuana that we will be a part of a 2 week training on issues of children at risk in Jaco, Costa Rica, my old familiar home for 3+ months in 2009 and get away off and on during 2010.
Hiking in Jaco 

Preparing the classroom with the Freeman boys
So, leaving the base in Tijuana was a sad event. It was like leaving my home and family behind. However the 2 weeks in Jaco was exactly what I needed. Just before I left for Jaco I felt overwhelmed, tired, burnt out and ready for a long vacation. I couldn’t imagine at the time doing yet another 2 weeks of intense training. Good thing God knows better than I, what I need. The training was intense and a very tight schedule with little time for beach or adventures. However, by the end of the 2 weeks, I was encouraged, renewed in vision for the upcoming Children at Risk school and my life , well rested and refreshed. I was able to spend some good time plugging into God and hanging out with a group of people, my friends who all came from Oregon to train and encourage the Freeman family as well as us in our next steps into ministry to children at risk. We were trained to become trainers who could take the “celebrating children” workshop anywhere in the world with the tools needed to encourage and build up individuals all over the world who are already working with children in need but don’t have all the tools we have readily accessible. The Women and Children’s Advocacy Centre  has taken this training to other parts of the world, last location was Rwanda. I was given tools and the ability to teach some of these topics and I thoroughly enjoyed seeing how God allowed me to recognize a hidden passion and gifting for creatively teaching. It was a really fun and rewarding time.

After a week of intense training... we all lost it!
I sense that I have been given new vision, excitement and tools to take this with me where ever God leads me next, and that I am not restricted year after year of up to a 9 month commitment in the Children at Risk schools.  I can commit to the next place He leads me to and make the training available to the community where I will minister to next in less than a 9 month long process. I anticipate being available to do hands on ministry, not restricted simply to solely training and running schools. I am excited for how this will play out in this upcoming school I will be leading and in the next steps God leads me in. Please continue to pay with me clear and direct next steps in leading the school that begin in July, 2011 and then after September, 2011.
A day at the beach with the team students and trainers

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