Sunday, August 14, 2011

Dreaming.... birth of an ever-expanding vision

Remember when you were young and you dreamt of exploring and conquering the whole wide world; no limitations or boundaries... the earth was your backyard? I remember playing, as nerdy as this is, star wars with my friends and turning our whole basement into a city of tents and space ships where we could go forth into all unknown planets and space....

This analogy is in a way what I feel God is bringing to life once again for me personally and for this school. The words I heard Him speak for these students were about renewing their dreams from childhood; challenging them, all of us, to not only dream, but dream BIGGER. Many have since come to me to tell me that in these past weeks He has been not only reminding them of those past dreams, but reminding them how He has and is fulfilling and making those dreams a reality.  Not only are they seeing their dreams realized in their young adult years but now HE is giving them new visions and dreams greater and more radical than those from childhood. Who can truly upon looking back on their life as an adult or even on their death bed, recognize these often times, unrealistic or impossible dreams that have come to be in full fruition?

I personally am so privileged to have done so much in my short life thus far.... dreams of learning another language, ministering to street children, living in another country, living in Latin America, working as a missionary/volunteer, training, becoming a trainer, having a legal career, getting a degree, making friends/contacts all over the world, having explored many parts of the world, even on the other side of the world....  And yet there are so many new dreams God has been birthing in me since living abroad, but more so in these past months, i.e. recently.

I have mentioned the Women and Children's Advocacy Center in previous blogs. I will add the link to their ministry again. I have been feeling more and more in some form or fashion my next steps will be partnering with them in many ways. I don't know exactly how or what that will look like. As some of you are aware my commitment here in Costa Rica will end with the end of the lecture phase which is September 23rd. I have been processing and praying about my next steps. I do feel that my season/time in Costa Rica and probably in Latin America is coming to a close. I have thoroughly enjoyed learning and living here but my heart is stirring for other things, parts of the world, to pioneer new things and enter into a new season where I discover where my own ministry will be birthed. I have received words and challenges from others and in my seeking our Heavenly Father that I am called to the Nations; which in many ways is a new challenge and comes as a surprise to me. I always thought my calling and passions would be realized in being established in Latin America. Recently He has been stirring my heart for other places in the world. I am not sure where or how exactly that will come about.  Would you join me in praying for clear direction and provision in this?

The School is half way through and I will need to know my next steps in the next few weeks so I can book a ticket. I also will need to begin fundraising as going to another part of the world and establishing myself will take more funding than I have currently been able to raise.

Check out this video and just one of the projects the WCAC is involved in.... inspires me to go forth and change the world one step at a time... I pray it inspires you in the same way....

Women & Children's Advocacy Centre from wcacentre on Vimeo.


Sarah said...

Excited for all that lies ahead ... Dream big. Our Abba God delights in giving us our dreams.

Be blessed bunches,

Leslie said...

So excited for you, Rach. Sad for you to leave Costa Rica... it' hard for me to imagine you not being here. But I'm so happy about what's ahead for you. Love you. God is so good!

Anonymous said...

Pretty much pleased with your amazing work! so sweet of you.

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