Thursday, December 3, 2009

Investigator Academy with the Not for Sale Campaign

I wanted to give everyone a heads up of what I will be doing after my time at home. Before I returned to the States, I sat in on a teleconference that was hosted by Steve Goode, one of our YWAM directors in Thailand, and delegates from the Not for Sale Campaign. This informational meeting and question and answer session with them and several YWAM bases was set up in order for us to join forces in the plight against Human Trafficking globally. To learn more about both Steve Goode's work in Thailand and also the Not for Sale Campaign, check out these websites:

During this teleconference I was encouraged to go to a training they will be hosting in San Francisco this month. Due to the lack of funding and time, I initially pushed the idea aside as too many details would have to work out and quickly for that to even be a consideration for me. However, I am always reminded that if we make an effort to do the possible God will do the impossible. That is exactly what He did. I am still amazed by how all the details worked out. I am not exactly sure why exactly He is leading me this way, but I am sure I will discover more and more this coming year. Please read the link below to read up on the details of the training I will attend and to partner with me in praying God's divine wisdom and direction as to what I will take from this time of training. As I am sure I have written about previously, Costa Rica has become known to be the "Little Thailand" in relation to its trafficking and sexual exploitation numbers. I know somehow this training will be just the beginning in work related to trafficked children.

Please pray with me as I am excited and also anxious at the same time to gain new tools and understanding in this area of injustice world-wide.

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