Sunday, September 27, 2009

Endings and New Beginnings

Looking back on this past year, I am both so thankful and overwhelmed. I can’t believe it has already been a year since I first moved to Costa Rica. So much has happened, so much change. I was counting how many different places I have lived in this past year and the grand sum is 5 going on 6. Currently, the San Jose base is moving. When I rerturn from Panama, I will be moving to a new location to finish off my year here.

The chidlren at Risk 2009 school ended last week. We are so proud of the remaining 3 students who finished 9 long months of training. It was intense and at times, we all wanted to give up. Looing back, I can see how God was wih us every step of the way an we can see fruit in many of the lives of the children and youth we worked with. We also can mark how much God has worked on us individually and how we grew and matured in Him and with each other. Two of our students traveled back to Jaco from San Jose to make-up a week of outreach they missed previously. Renate, th e other student, and I are in Panama City. Originally I was going to travel to Bocas Del Torro, a vacation spor on the border of Costa Rica and Panama, for a week vacation and to renew my visa, but I continued on with an unplanned trip further in to Panama City. Its been so much fun and an added blessing seeing the Canal and the sights here while still resting at the base here in Panama City and also starting to plan for next year’s school in 2010. I am getting very excited about the next school and have been given a lot of new ideas and advice on how to improve this year’s school from previous students and staff. I know the next year will be an added blessing and even better school.

Please pray for our students. As far as I know, we have only 1 application (official) as of now. I have heard from many who are interested in the school. Please pray God sends the students and all the funding and instructors that will make our school quality and honor God in the calling He has laid on many people’s hearts. I would appreciate prayer support as well in the planning stages of the next school that it all runs smoothly and that I don’t’ get overwhelmed in the process. This is only my 2nd school I have staffed and as far as I know I will be the only staff.

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